If you have committed yourself to everyday exercising and want to continue it for the entire year, we have got the perfect beginner bodyweight workout plan for you.
So, let us ask you this once, why sign confusing monthly contracts and pay dues when you can mimic the same benefits for absolutely free? That is exactly where the bodyweight exercises barge in, relying on forces like gravity, your body’s mechanism, and rudimentary equipment to get rid of all that fat and build muscles. Well, we are talking about pushups, pull-ups, and other bodyweight exercises.
Now, what you require to do is get out of your comfort zone and make some space in your living room or your bedroom where you can perform these 10 best bodyweight chest exercises. So, let’s have a look at these exercises.
10 Best Bodyweight Chest Exercises
1. Pushup
Push-up is among the most effective and best bodyweight chest exercises. It not only helps in building chest muscles but also helps in building triceps and deltoids. Plus, it strengthens the entire core.
How to do it?
- Place your hands below your shoulder.
- Keep your head, back, and hips in an aligned position.
- Extend your legs, so the weight acts on your toes.
- Engage your core.
- Pull your shoulder blades down and back up.
- Lower your body until your elbows are 90 degrees with the ground.
- Keep your elbows tucked with your body.
2. Wide-Grip Pushup
Next on the list of best bodyweight chest exercises is Wide-Grip push-ups. Wide-Grip push-ups are beneficial core stability exercises that increase muscle strength and endurance in your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
How to do it?
- Start in a pushup position with your palms below and wider than your shoulders.
- Lengthen your spine and hips in a straight line.
- Look at the spot on the floor to keep your neck neutral.
- Engage your core.
- Slowly bend your elbows out to the side and lower your body towards the floor.
- Pause when your chest goes below your elbows.
- Engage your core and raise your body back to the original position.
3. Incline Pushup

An inclined pushup is an elevated form of a regular pushup. Your upper body is elevated with a piece of equipment. Incline pushups take some pressure off your shoulders and arms and give you a solid chest workout.
How to do it?
- Stand in front of a box, place both hands on either side of the box with fingers pointing forward.
- Your hands should be shoulder-width wide.
- Once your hands are placed accordingly, step your body into a plank position.
- Ensure your body is in a linear position with the head aligned with the spine.
- Bend your arms slowly, lowering your chest towards the box.
- Straighten your arms to bring yourself back in the starting position.
4. Dive-Bomber Pushup
Dive-Bomber push-ups involve a full-body movement versus a regular pushup. It is a great upper body and core exercise that strengthens arms, chest. Shoulders and back of the body.
How to do it?
- Start in downward dog with knees bent slightly.
- Bend your elbows, so they tuck with the sides of your ribs and lower your chest, so it’s levitating above the ground.
- Push yourself upwards with your hands facing a dog pose: chest open, thigh off the ground, core engaged.
- Bend your elbows and bring your hips backward, returning to a downward-facing dog.
5. Floating Plank
While a normal plank typically works on your core, this plank stance works your chest, outer pecs, and deltoids.
How to do it?
- Spread your arms wide as if you’re doing a wide pushup.
- Keep your feet together.
- Engage your core, lower down to a central pushup position.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
6. Burpees
This full-body exercise is great for an all-over exercise, which mainly includes your chest.
How to do it?
- Start in a standing position with feet kept together.
- Squat down and put our hands on the floor in one smooth motion, jumping feet back into a plank, then down into a pushup.
- Squat back by jumping your feet back towards your hands as you stand up.
7. Dips
Dips help strengthen muscles in your chest, triceps, shoulders, upper back, and lower back. Weighted dips can help you add muscle mass to your upper body when done correctly.
How to do it?
- Stand between the dip bars or two sturdy chairs of the same height.
- If you are using chairs, keep them 20-inches apart.
- Lift yourself to a full arm elongation, and cross your feet.
- Lower yourself down with control and push through the chest and tricep to pull back up.
8. Standing Chest Press
Standing chest press is a classic upper-body strengthening exercise that builds your chest, shoulders, and triceps. For the best result, it is important to perform the exercise with good technique.
How to do it?
- Tie your resistance band around support at shoulder level.
- Hold the resistance band and stand forward; as a result, your band becomes almost taut.
- Slowly extend your arms without locking your elbows on extension, and then move back to the original position.
9. Diamond Pushup

Looking for a solid chest workout? Diamond push-up is a great workout for your chest and triceps.
How to do it?
- Start in a plank position.
- Bring your hands together and make the shape of a diamond or triangle through your fingers.
- Bend your elbows inwards yo just a few inches above the floor.
- With the assistance of your palms, push yourself back up.
10. Plyo Pushup
Plus, pushups are a type of plyometric exercise, which helps you to work on exerting your muscles to their maximum capacity. Plyo pushups can help build muscles in your upper body, including chest, abdominals, triceps, and shoulders.
How to do it?
- Start in a high plank or the pushup position.
- Keep your core engaged and your torso aligned.
- Hands should blow off your shoulders.
- Steadily lower your body until your chest is about to touch the floor.
- As you lift, do it with enough force for your hands to leave the ground; for making it further difficult, you can also clap.
- Land lightly on the ground, moving to the next rep.
These challenging exercises would help you gain upper-body strength; they can also help you build endurance, agility, and cardio fitness.
Don’t worry about injuries because all of these exercises consist of a very low-risk level of injury, but do make sure to consult a physician if you have a history of injury or any health condition. However, we have compiled these exercises and added them to our bucket list, have you as well?