If you are passionate about fitness, we would like to share your content with our audience. You can contact us at contact@guzfitness.com and share some topics that you are interested in. We are accepting guest posts in health, fitness, and lifestyle niche.

We accept articles on the following topics.

  • Workouts Guide
  • Personal training
  • Workout tips
  • Weightlifting
  • Weight Loss
  • Health
  • Lifestyle

We get tens of emails every month and most of them send us the plagiarized content. Sometimes content is not well written and formatted.

If you want to write for us on health and fitness topics, make sure you follow the following guidelines.

  • Your article should be unique
  • Article should be 700+ words
  • Add a featured image.
  • Double check plagiarism
  • No Spelling Mistakes
  • All links in the post should be relevant.

What guest posts we don’t accept?

We don’t accept gambling, adult, casino articles. We accept articles only in general niches like health, weight loss, healthy foods, and etc. We accept only well-written content and don’t accept content in any language other than English.

If your article is not well written, it will be rejected.

FAQ about Write for Us

Do you accept sponsored posts?

Yes, we accept sponsored posts from brands if brand offers services/products for our audience. For sponsored post pricing you can contact us.

What are sponsored posts pricing?

Please contact us with your brand details.

What is the example of or sample of sponsored post?

Here is the link: https://guzfitness.com/pros-and-cons-of-morning-and-night-workouts/

If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach me out. Thank you!