Exercise is very important for maintaining healthy physical and mental health. Most people debate about workouts and the fact that maybe they do not need to exercise daily. It is a common misconception that you only need to work out if you are overweight. In case you are underweight or your BMI is average, you do not need to work out. According to research, the body needs good physical exercise on regular basis. If you have an active lifestyle i.e. you play some sport or you have outdoor activities like playing games, running or you have a professional that requires you to have some physical activity i.e. mason, carpenter or construction worker, you might not need to worry so much about the workout. In short, it all comes down to the lifestyle that you choose.
Most people when start muscle building working out complain about muscle aches. This is very common in beginners but once they start to work out regularly, the ache goes away. This is mainly because your body is not used to it and once you start working it adapts to the situation, your muscle gets better and stronger so you do not feel the pain. However, if you are a professional player or an athlete who has been on a break or taking some time off, getting back into the gym can become a challenge as well. This is mainly because you have already broken the regular workout barrier and now you will have to get back into shape.
What Changes In Your Body When You Work Out?
Before looking at the workout you need to know about the metabolism. Everything in our body, all the reactions that occur comes under metabolism. There are two main types of reactions i.e. anabolism and catabolism. The anabolism reaction is mainly used for generating the energy units by breaking down food. On the contrary, the catabolism reaction helps in breaking down the energy units and then using them for daily function. For the catabolism or the calorie-burning process, you need some oxygen. This is the reason most people use cardio or aerobics to burn extra calories.
Usually, when our body goes through an intense workout, the muscle goes through wear and tear. These are the muscles that are usually weak and need to be replaced. As a result, the body uses the energy to replace and health these torn-up muscle cells. For this process, the need to generate a lot of energy. Most of the generated energy is used for feeling the workout so you can easily move your muscles. Usually, this is done with the help of aerobic respiration which uses oxygen for breaking down the energy units and supplying the muscle with power.
However, in some cases, the body starts the anaerobic process as well. For this process, there is no need for oxygen. During anaerobic respiration when the energy units break down, it doesn’t completely break down so, there is a byproduct in the form of lactic acid. This lactic acid gets accumulated in the muscle. As a result of this accumulated lactic acid, you might feel the ache as well.
Bottom Line
To sum it all up, there are two main reasons you will feel muscle aches after a hectic exercise session. One of the most important reasons is that muscle cells have been torn apart. This transforms the overall movement experience making it difficult to move unless the body doesn’t fully enter the recovery process. There is another important reason and that is the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle cells. As you rest, this lactic acid gets flushed out of the muscles and this is the reason you will feel better. When athletes work out every day, they are helping their body to adapt to extreme conditions so their body never shifts to anaerobic respiration. This is mainly because they adapt according to their lungs capacity and their lunges capacity increases with practice.